Tyra Teasley
"Freedom lies in being bold."
—Robert Frost
Can I just say #TheStruggle is real?
I have been on the hunt to find extra and new activities to help me feel bold and confident. In search of my new boldness, I have been practicing mindfulness and working to manage irrational thinking while in lockdown. I will be the first to admit my thoughts can get away from me quickly and I can spiral into thinking about the worst-case scenarios. A few months into the pandemic anxiety has been at an all-time high and compassion fatigue.
I have a love/hate relationship with the current regulations regarding the pandemic. I have loved the opportunity to organize my home, enjoy quality time with my children, and find new hobbies. But I also get stuck in my head and end up in a cycle of sitting with my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This quickly led to burn out. Dealing with the fear of uncontrollable circumstances and just waiting to see what the future holds can could your ability to feel bold and confident right now. Being a proud introvert, I am not ashamed to say this pandemic has made me realize the benefits of interacting with peers, enjoy outings with family, and being able to walk into a store with a smile.
I am not typically discouraged easily. I am a believer in being optimistic, which inspired my hunt for extra activities to make me feel bold, brave, and confident. I needed to find activities that re-centered and re-focused my purpose. I was seeking to shake my burnout feelings and reignite my confidence to stand up and stand my ground when someone is being hurt or mistreated.
My best friend’s idea of taking risks and being brave was sky-diving. Although I admire her boldness, I will not be participating in jumping out of an airplane anytime soon. My fight for boldness is more of an internal search and connection to my deeper purpose.
Here is a list of 5 things I have added to my daily activities to achieve boldness in a pandemic.
The activities I added into my daily schedule, to achieve boldness and confidence, may be different than what you need, and that is normal. Each person’s journey is different. We all come from different walks of life, yet we all have the freedom to be bold.
I challenge you to do something to improve yourself during the current pandemic. For starters, make a list of 5 activities you can implement into your daily life that help you feel more bold and confident. What does taking a risk and stepping away from fear mean to you? If you’ve been wanting to try a new physical activity (rollerblading, running, yoga) or wanting to create new connections, what’s stopping you?
As we leave you with those questions, we would love for you to share what your ideas of being brave and confident are, in the comments.